What we do


Project Management

We serve as an “on-call real estate director” for smaller companies and organizations that are preparing to relocate, expand, or renovate.

  • Site search and selection

  • Space needs analysis

  • Design and construction team assembly and management

  • Project oversight (renovation, fit out, furnishing) 

  • Budget development and advisory

See examples


Development Advisory, Studies

We advise municipalities, non-profits, developers, and other entities on development strategy and policy. 

  • Feasibility studies, implementation plans

  • Life sciences “lens” for developers and others new to either the sector or New York

  • Real estate market research, analysis

  • RFP’s, responses/proposals

See examples

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Incentives, Public Outreach

We’ve helped companies access millions of dollars in tax incentives and public funding through New York City, New York State, and other programs related to new spaces, equipment, and hiring. We also lead or support community engagement efforts for developers and other organizations. 

  • Program eligibility

  • Applications, guidance

  • Community engagement, outreach

See examples


Project Management

New York Genome Center:   Oversaw site selection, leasing, design and construction, and interior fit-out and furnishing of their new 170,000-sf home at 101 6th Avenue, complete with flexible lab spaces, outdoor roof garden, and LEED-Gold certification. 

Quentis Therapeutics: Support client through space planning and design, including design consultant assembly and management, furniture selection

Civic Builders

Facility portfolio assessment and analysis for Newark Public Schools, with policy recommendations and capital cost estimates. With Faithful + Gould, Perkins Eastman, Hunter Roberts

Development of "Owner's Manual"-type maintenance guide for client schools upon project completion

Avenues School: Pre-development, owner’s rep, and project management for $900,000 renovation in Chelsea. With Type A Projects

Dream Charter School: Space search, furniture purchase, and pre-development for interim high school facility in East Harlem. With Type A Projects

Private client: Site evaluation, design team assembly for developer exploring life sciences sector in Queens

Private client: Furniture selection for new 7,500-sf office for non-profit

Private client: Space search, planning for new 1,700-sf office for consulting firm

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Development Advisory, Studies

Rutgers University: Feasibility study and implementation plan, including market research and analysis, for proposed technology park at Busch and Livingston campuses in Piscataway/New Brunswick. With BJH Advisors and U3 Advisors

NYCEDC: Strategic senior-level advisory and drafting for Life Sciences Infrastructure Initiative study (LSI2) - full-scale implementation plan to promote the development of wet-lab facilities throughout New York City. This study evolved into LifeSciNYC, the City’s $500M life sciences initiative. With BJH Advisors and Buro Happold Engineering

City of Hoboken: Feasibility study and implementation plan to develop innovation center and boost entrepreneurial activity in Hoboken. With Francis Cauffman Architects.

Long Island City Partnership: Definitive feasibility study, market analysis, and implementation plan for developing life sciences in Long Island City, followed by a plan update and website content development (news about this work: press release announcing selection, article about report, NY1 video from report launch)

County of Los Angeles: Strategic advisory on ground rent structures and community benefits for development project

Private developer: Advisory on market demand, incentives, and community programming

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Incentives, Public Outreach

New York Genome Center: directed government relations and incentives; brought in more than $8M in public and private funding; and organized initial press launch, ribbon-cutting, and inaugural scientific symposia.

NewYorkBIO: networking, business development, event planning/staffing

Quentis Therapeutics: Led City and State funding search, garnering $1M for capital project through NYCEDC and $500K in State tax credits through ESD

Celmatix: Led State funding search, garnering $4.79M for capital project and job growth through ESD

Private non-profit: advised NYC-based organization on State funding program application 

Private developer: Led community visioning session for mixed-used development in the Rockaways

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